Overseas Programme Enrichment Scheme (OPES)


  • To encourage Girl Guides units to plan and execute overseas activities.
  • To broaden the horizon of Girl Guides through overseas exchange.
  • To enhance the connection with fellow Guides around the world and facilitate understanding towards WAGGGS and global Guiding movement.



  • Brownie, Girl Guides and Ranger units of HKGGA could also submit application. For the age requirement, ratio of Guider and Girl Guide members and requirments of Guider-in-charge for the overseas activities, please refer to the regulations of 'Qualification Kit' (Activities Aboard) and 'Safety Rules and Guidelines for Activities' (Activities Aboard).
  • Each unit cannot submit more than one application form and one project proposal at the same time.
  • Each unit can only submit one application form and one project proposal every two years.


HKGGA Qualification Kit: 


HKGGA Safety Rules and Guidelines for Activities: 




  • No more than 10 applications per year (and without exceeding the yearly budget).
  • No more than 18 participants (including Guiders and Girl Guides) for each application. Moreover, ratio of Guider to Girl Guide member and number of Guider-in-charge and Activity Safety Officer of the proposed activity must meet the requirement of 'Qualification Kit' (Activities Aboard) and 'Safety Rules and Guidelines for Activities' (Activities Aboard).


Amount of Subsidy

  • For holding overseas activities in the Asia Pacific Region (except Australia and New Zealand): Maximum amount of grant is HK2,000 per Girl Guides.
  • For holding overseas activities outside Asia Pacific Region: Maximum amount of grant is HK3,000 per Girl Guides.
  • For holding overseas activities in Macau SAR: Maximum amount of grant is HK300 per Girl Guides per day
  • Each application has 2 quotas in maximum for Guider(s) to apply depending on the total number of participants of the proposed activity. Maximum amount of grant for each subsidied Guider shall be as same as the maximum amount of grant for Girl Guides.


Application Procedures​



Submission Methods*

At least 6 months

before departure

Guider-in-charge has to inform the person-in-charge of Sponsoring Authority, District Commissioner and Division Commissioner regarding the OPES application. Afterward the “Application Form for Overseas Activities” (FORM-001-ICL) should be submitted to International and China Liaison Office 6 months before departure for a preliminary approval from International Commissioner. A meeting with the Guider-in-charge will be arranged by the office to understand more about the project.

  1. By Post
  2. In Person
  3. By Email

At least 3 months

before departure

Guider-in-charge has to submit a project proposal (FORM-002-ICL) with the itinerary, accommodation, transportation arrangement and final list of participants in detail three months before the commencement of the proposed project for the final approval.

  1. By Post
  2. In Person

At least 2 weeks

before departure

If there are any changes on the proposal, please provide justification(s) for those changes in written form to International and China Liaison Office two week before departure for the official approval.

  1. By Email

1 month after returning

Guider-in-charge has to complete and submit an evaluation report (FORM-003-ICL) together with other relevant documents to International and China Liaison Office.

  1. By Post
  2. In Person

*By post or in person: HKGGA Headquarter: 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon  (International and China Liaison Office)

*By email: intl@hkgga.org.hk


*For details, please refer to the OPES application documents below.


Application Documents

  1. Application Guidelines (Download)
  2. Application Form for Overseas Activities FORM-001-ICL (WORD / PDF)
  3. Project Proposal FORM-002-ICL (WORD / PDF)
  4. Requirements and Criteria for the Transaction Records (Download)
  5. Evaluation Report FORM-003-ICL (WORD / PDF)



International and China Liaison Office 

Te: 2359 6827

Email: intl@hkgga.org.hk


Last Update Date: 2020-07-17