HKGGA Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre
In view of the Government's plans for further developing Lantau Island and Tung Chung, the population and community service needs will continue to grow for the forseeable future.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust granted funding for the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association to establish the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Jockey Club Tung Chung Activity Centre to provide more leisure and recreation activities as well as training programmes to meet the needs of the Tung Chung community.
Service Targets:
We mainly serve children, teenagers, women and families in Tung Chung.
Membership Application and Renewal:
All membership is valid for 3 years and it's free of charge. Membership can be renewed after expiration.
There are 4 categories of members as follows:
1. Ordinary Member: under 24 years old
2. Parent Member: whose children under 24 years old and have registered with the Tung Chung Activity Centre as Ordinary Members
3. Women Member: 25 years old or above
4. Guiding Member
Application Notes
Applicant should be a resident of Hong Kong.
Applicant should fill in membership application form and the Circular of Personal Data (Privacy Ordinance)
Applicant should provide the original copy or true copy of the identification of Hong Kong resident ( such as the Hong Kong Identity Card, Birth Certificate etc) to the centre staff for verification.
Applicant under 18 years old shall obtain parental / guardian's consent.
Membership Registration Form &
The Circular of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.(18 yrs old and above)(under 18 yrs old)
Contact us :
Tel No. : (852) 2619 0399 Fax No.: (852) 2619 0522
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:15am – 6:00pm
*closed on Monday and Public Holiday.
Address: Shun Tung Road, Tung Chung ( next to Tung Chung Power Station and nearby Tung Chung Swimming Pool)
Correspondance Address: P.O. Box No. 92, Tung Chung Post Office
Getting to the Tung Chung Activity Centre:
MTR Tung Chung Station Exit B
Arrive by subway:
Arrive by crosswalk:
Airport bus ("E" Routes) - Tung Chung Crescent, Shun Tung Road
E21 / E21A / S52 / S52A / S52P / E34P / E34P / E34X / N64 / S64 / S64C / S64X / E11 / E11A / E21X / E22 / E22A / E23 / N11 / N21 / N21A / E31 / E32 / E33 / E33P / E34A / E34B / E41 / E42 / N31 / S64X
NO car park is available in the Centre.
Last Update Date: 2023-12-22