Guiding Movement

Hong Kong Guiding Movement

Guiding Movement was introduced into Hong Kong in 1916. The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association is currently the largest female youth organization in Hong Kong, and one of the 153 Member Organizations of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  


The Association organized training and activities to meet the needs and interests of today's girls and young women. These programmes aim to train and equip Girl Guides with knowledge, techniques and attitude.  Girl Guides are actively participating in service projects through which they developed a caring and positive attitude in life.


Our programmes are designed to meet the needs of girls in different age groups, including Happy Bees, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, Guiders and Golden Guides. Membership is voluntary and open to all girls and adults regardless of race, religion or nationality. 

Uniformed Members


Brownie Between 6th and 12th birthdays
Girl Guide Between 10th and 18th birthdays
Ranger/Air Ranger/Sea Ranger Between 15th and 23rd birthdays
Guider Age 21 or above

Service Projects


Happy Bee Age 4-6 (Boys and girls are welcome)
Golden Guide Age 55 or above



Our Emblem



The shape of the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association's Symbol is based on the trefoil. Its notched edges recall the distinctive leaves of Bauhinia blakeana, Hong Kong's flower. The internal form of the symbol is a stylised version of the Chinese character “Gwong”meaning a ray of light of guiding beacon, a concept especially appropriate to the spirit of Guiding. When used in colour, the emblem will be mainly in mauve which reflects the Bauhinia blossom's colour along with red which is considered particularly auspicious by the Chinese.


Note:    The colour codes of mauve and red in HKGGA logo are “Pantone 227” and “Pantone Warm Red” respectively.



Guiding Method

Girl Guiding uses a unique model of non-formal education to support the development of girls and young women, called the Girl Guide and Girl Scout educational method. As we work with young people over a broad age spectrum and because the Guiding experience works best when young people interact as much as possible with the wider world, the Girl Guide and Girl Scout educational method is purposefully shaped to work in very different contexts and fit almost any activity or learning need. Its five points stimulate the peer exchange, sense of ownership and connectedness that enrich any learning experience and make it more effective.


The 5 essential elements of the Girl Guide and Girl Scout educational method (5M):

1. Learning in Small Groups
  We learn to:support each other, negotiate, make democratic decisions, assert our needs, solve problems together, take the lead
2. My Path, My Pace
  We learn to: respect individuals, make our own choices, learn in the best way for us, value our achievements, collaborate not compete, be confident
3. Learning by Doing
  We learn to: take on challenges, learn through experience, take risks, make mistakes, get involved, pay attention
4.  Connecting with Others
  We learn to: value others, appreciate diversity, listen, connect, make a difference, develop empathy, communicate
5.  Connecting with My World
  We learn to: be active citizens, get our hands dirty, enjoy the outdoors, get involved in our community, speak out for change, pay attention to the wider world


If Girl Guiding is to prepare young people for the lives ahead of them, we need a sound understanding of the skills they will need for today and in the future, so that they can follow their own path. WAGGGS has identified six “C” skills that, together, enable young people to thrive in a rapidly changing world and empower them to live the life they want to lead.


Skills for the 21st Century (6C): 

1. Character
  Self-aware and confident leaders, we take initiative to set and achieve goals, both individually and working with others.
2. Creativity
  We are creative thinkers and resilient problem solvers. We self-direct our learning to access, evaluate and apply information, and develop innovative solutions.
3. Citizenship
  We are active in our local communities, and connected to the wider world. We want to take action to make the world a better place.
4. Communication
  We express our ideas confidently to different audiences, are good listeners and respond empathically to others.
5. Collaboration
  We are true team players, who understand how to work positively with people and care about diversity.
6. Commitment
  We are committed to our own learning and development, and invest in it throughout our lives.
Last Update Date: 2023-08-17