Non-Uniformed Members

For non-uniformed adult membership, the following categories of registration are open for men and women:


Interest Badge Assessors: Must possess the relevant qualifications and experiences, must understand the responsibility of the Assessors comprehensively, and should assess the specific interest badge for the girl guides.


Instructors:  Instructors should have the knowledge and interest in a specific area. Besides, the relevant qualification and abundant experiences in the specific area should be possessed and willing to teach their merits to our girl guides.


(Please fill in application form with "Circular relating to the Personal Data Ordinance with Consent form" and "Opt-out Request Form" and return to HKGGA)


Membership Category Application Forms Personal Data Privacy Policy Statement

Interest Badge Assessors


Download Circular Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with Consent Form and Opt-out Request Form [For persons of 18 years of age and over]
Download / Online form
Instructors Download /Online forms Circular Relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with Consent Form and Opt-out Request Form [For persons of 18 years of age and over]
Download / Online form


Last Update Date: 2020-11-19