Distinguished Girl Guide Award - Homepage
In 1916, the Hong Kong Girl Guiding movement began with a mission to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. The Distinguished Girl Guide Award is a programme aims to give formal recognition to the Girl Guides who have set the best example to their contemporaries and to raise public awareness of the outstanding accomplishments of Girl Guides.
9/10/2023: The List of awardees has been uploaded on the website. Please refer to the list for details.
15/8/2023: The List for Final Interview has been uploaded on the website. Please refer to the list for details.
19/5/2023: The List for Semi Final Challenge Day has been uploaded on the website. Please refer to the list for details.
1/2/2023: The application form for Distinguished Girl Guide Award 2023 has been uploaded on Website, Please click Forms Download for details. Thanks!