International Day of the Girl 2021
11 October was declared International Day of the Girl (IDG) by the United Nations in 2012. Ever since, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world have been celebrating IDG every year. It is an opportunity for them to make their voices heard, be a force for change, and show how our Movement empowers girls and young women to shape the world they want to see and make a positive impact on the world all year long.
Following the #HearMeNow Campaign last year, the activities from the #WriteHerStory activity pack this year will revolve around news to empower girls around the world to become an advocate for change, and to create advocacy projects and campaigns that are truly led by them.。
Girl-led Advocacy
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) defines advocacy as the process that happens when we influence people to take decisions that will improve our lives and the lives of others.
Girl-led advocacy happens when girls are the ones choosing the issues they want to advocate on, defining the change they want to see and how to get there.
#WriteHerStory Campaign
The world would look quite different if girls were in charge. The #WriteHerStory activity pack is designed for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of all ages who want to start an advocacy journey on International Day of the Girl 2021 to make their imagination happen.
Step 1:
Learn about the theme of International Day of the Girl 2021.
Step 2:
Complete the activities in #WriteHerStory pack and plan a mini project.
Step 3:
Take part in the #WriteHerStory social media campaign.
Step 4:
Tell WAGGGS and HKGGA about your advocacy project!
Download the IDG 2021#WriteHerStory Activity Pack to learn more!
#WriteHerStory Social Media Campaign
On 11 October 2021, the official International Day of the Girl, WAGGGS will run a social media campaign.
What would the news look like in an ideal world? Join the campaign by posting what you want the headlines to say and use #WriteHerStory, #TeamGirl and #IDG2021.
Download the #WriteHerStory Social Media Post Template (Activity Pack P.16) and share your headlines with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world via social media.
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