105 Anniversary Celebrations Events
2021 was the 105th anniversary of Hong Kong Girl Guides, the Association had been held many celebrations events:
1. 105th Anniversary Badge Design Competition
Champion:Tang Chi Yin from 262 NT Pack
The set of badge and pin now on sale in the Guide shop.
Brownie and Guide: The cloth badge can be worn on the front of sash/either sleeve of the uniform until 31st December 2022.
Ranger, Guider and Adult member: The pin can be worn on the right chest of the uniform until 31st December 2022.
2. 105th Anniversary Celebrations and Award Presentation : https://www.hkgga.org.hk/tc/album/20211223
3. 105th Anniversary Virtual Run:https://www.hkgga.org.hk/en/content/HKGGA.105.VR
4. 105th Anniversary Challenge Badge — Leadership Champion:https://www.hkgga.org.hk/en/content/leadership-champion