Asia Pacific Leadership Award 2022

List of Awardees of Asia Pacific Leadership Award 2022


Congratulations to the following Commissioners and Guiders for attaining the Asia Pacific Leadership Award 2022!

總監 Commissioner
詹穎珊女士  Ms Amy CHIM
石嘉穎女士  Ms Karen SHEK
石彩虹女士  Ms Rainbow SHEK
丘靜欣女士  Ms Yvonne YAU

領袖 Guider

周美君女士  Ms Icy CHOW
劉子琪女士  Ms Jacky LAU
劉潔兒女士  Ms Yvonne LAU
伍詩朗女士  Ms Sharon NG
鮑詠欣女士  Ms Ivy PAU
鄧麗婷女士  Ms Sabrina TANG 
楊巧蓮女士  Ms Amy YEUNG

Last Update Date: 2022-06-30