STEAM Series Workshop - Nagomi Pastel Art Christmas Edition

Event Dates: 
Application Deadline: 

STEAM Series Workshop

Nagomi Pastel Art Christmas Edition


(Note: the workshop would be conducted in Cantonese)


Programme Content:

What is "Nagomi Pastel Art"? "Nagomi" in Japanese means harmony. Hosoya Norikatsu founded Nagomi Pastel Art and Japan Pastel Hope Art Association (JPHAA) in 2002, aims to share hope and heal through art.

No matter you are experienced in drawing or in what age, you can discover your potentials through Nagomi Pastel Art. By using your fingers and Pastel Art to create, you will become more confident and fill with positive energy. At the same time, you will create a wonderful art work to celebrate Christmas in a special way!



8 December 2019 (Sunday)



9:30a.m. – 12:30p.m.



Room 302, Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Headquarter



Brownie Guide / Girl Guide / Ranger Guide/ Golden Guide/ Guider

*Each application group should include one member and one family member/ Guider. Participants who aged below 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult family member/ Guider

*All participants must be aged 8 years old or above



$20 per group



15 groups (30 people in total)


Points to note before apply:

1. Each application should include one member and one family member/ Guider. Participants who aged below 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult family member/ Guider.

2. Application without application form or payment will be regarded as unsuccessfully and will not be accepted.

3. Once your application is accepted, reimbursement will not be entertained except cancellation of class due to bad weather arrangement. (Please refer to Bad Weather Arrangement of HKGGA)

4. Participants should stay tuned for our website update for application result and activity reminder.


Application method:

Applications form and fee should be submitted by Post or In-Person to The Hong Kong Girls Guides Association – Programme Department. (Address: 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) on or before 25 November 2019 (Monday). Only cheque payment is accepted (payable to: The Hong Kong Girls Guides Association).



2359 6815 (Joey Cham)

 Detail   Application form


HK wide
Training and Workshop
Last Update Date: 2019-10-30