Application Details
Application Starts: 31 December 2018 (Mon) 10:00
Application Deadline: 31 January 2019 (Thu) 18:00
Application Details:
- The application only accepted on a unit basis. Guiders are required to coordinate the application.
- Please fill in the application form and submit on or before 31st January 2019 online ( or complete the application form and email to
The team will be disqualified if the team dispatches not enough participants.
- All participants are required to fill in the Statement (Participant) or Statement (Parent/Guardian), being kept by the unit leader for the Headquarters’ reference when necessary. Guiders may destroy the documents after the competition.
- Only online application is accepted. All applications will be handled upon the receipt of the form. Incomplete application forms will not be entertained.
- Once the application has been submitted, no changes towards the participants’ list can be made.
- Please refer to the subpage of “Guide Shield Competition 2019” for any updates and participants’ list.
Download Application Form: PDF / Word
Download Statement (Participant) / Statement (Parent/Guardian)
#Illustration for the gadget heat:
1. There is no restriction on the scale of table. However, participating team has to strictly follow the knots which have been stated above.
2. Assessment areas include time, accuracy, appearance and speed in the preliminary contest.
Last Update Date: 2019-01-25