Programme Hints - Brownies make things - Knowing your Brownie Uniform

Activity: Knowing your Brownie Uniform


Brownie Section

Time Needed

15 minuts

Learning Goal

Learning about the accessories on the Brownie Uniform, and to facilitate communication and collaboration with the team

You will need Paper with an outline of the Brownie Uniform (A3 size), color pencils


  1. Guider introduce the accessories on the Brownie Uniform to the members
  2. By taking turns, each member of the patrol draw an accessory on the paper to make the uniform become a complete set

Which elements of the Girl Guide Educational Methods are used? And how?

Learning in small groups – Discuss and express the group decision on the accessories arrangement


My path, my pace – Experienced members encourage new members to take note and remember the accessory arrangements


Learning by doing – All members learn how to arrange the items by discussion and trial


Connecting with others – Members help and respect each other during the activity


How does the method give youth members a chance to take the lead?

Experienced members can lead the new members to realize the accessory arrangements, and to initiates discussion by encourage members to express their views; experienced members can also help in introducing the accessories

How to connect this activity to the Girl Guiding Values?

Guiders facilitates the discussion to encourage all members to express their views and to respect others’ opinions

Programme Hints/Activity Packs
Last Update Date: 2017-10-19