Programme Hints - Brownies lend a hand - World Thinking Day

Activity: World Thinking Day


Brownie Section

Time needed

60 minutes

Learning Goal

Members understand the meaning of World Thinking Day and try their best to contribute in the event


Note: The event can be arranged in February, as 22 February is the World Thinking Day


Introduction: Leaders can introduce the meaning of World Thinking Day and the use of World Thinking Day Fund to members. 22 February is the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, and Olave Baden-Powell, who was World Chief Guide. There is a tradition that members around the world donate money (around $2-5) to the World Thinking Day Fund. Half of the donation will help fund WAGGGS activities. The remaining money will be stored in Lady Olave Baden-Powell Fund and used in global Guiding Movement.



  1. Members form a circle. Leaders introduce the meaning of World Trefoil and its relation to World Thinking Day.
  2. Play the Thinking Day Song and B-P Spirit. (Members can follow the music and sing together)
  3. Members donate money and place the coins on the World Trefoil.
  4. Collect and calculate the total amount of donation.


Thinking Day Song


Hey! Hey! Hey! It's thinking day!

Hey! Hey! Hey! It's thinking day!

Hey! Hey! Hey! It's thinking day!

All over the world, it's thinking day.

In Mexico, It's thinking day!

In Switzerland, It's thinking day!

In Canada, It's thinking day!

All over the world, it's thinking day.



I've got that B-P spirit

right in my head, right in my head,

right in my head,

I've got that B-P spirit

right in my head,

right in my head to stay


I've got that B-P spirit

deep in my heart...


I've got that B-P spirit

all round my feet...


I've got that B-P spirit

right in my head,

deep in my heart,

all round my feet,

I've got that B-P spirit

all over me

all over me to stay


Which elements of the method are used, and how?

☑ Learning in small groups – Members sing the Thinking Day songs together and review the meaning of the World Thinking Day. They share feelings to each other.


☑ My path, my pace – Members save their pocket money for donation. They try to contribute as much as they can, even in the condition that they need to sacrifice their life enjoyment.


☑Connecting with my world – The donation from members will be used for developing global Guiding Movement of all Girl Guides and Girls Scouts.


How does the method give youth members a chance to take the lead?

Mature members can understand more about the meaning of World Thinking Day. They can elaborate to younger members and teach them how to contribute in the event.

How can you connect this activity to the values of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting?

Members discuss how World Thinking Day and World Thinking Day Fund help Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from all over the world. They understand that their contribution can change the world.


Programme Hints/Activity Packs
Last Update Date: 2017-09-04