Programme Hints - Brownies are wide awake - Q & A on Road Safety

Activity: Q & A on Road Safety


Brownie Section

Time needed

60-90 minutes

Learning Goal

To teach members some basic rules on road safety. To remind them to keep track of road conditions and follow the safety instructions.


1. Leaders can introduce road safety rules to members first.



2. Q&A session

Each team send three representatives, choose a leader to sit in the middle. All teams compete to answer as many questions as possible.


Points calculation:

Correct Answer  -  add 4 marks

Wrong Answer  -  deduct 2 marks


Suggested Questions:

A - About cycling



  1. Do you have to keep your hands on the bicycle handle when you ride on a bike?


  1. Where should you put your feet?


  1. Can you ride on "Expressway" or within "Tunnel Area"?


  1. Can you take passengers on your bike?


  1. You cannot wear ___ when riding a bicycle

a. Cap   b. Glasses  c. Headphones


  1. Can you ride on the opposite direction of an one-way street or on the right side of the two-way street?


  1. When riding in the dark or at times of poor visibility, turn on a _____ light in front and a ____ light at the rear of your cycle.

White; Red

  1. What is the function of the bell on a bike?

To warn other road users to pay attention to the bike

  1. What is the meaning of the below logo?

No cyclists

  1. What is the meaning of the below logo?

An adjoining footway and cycleway. The cycleway is to be used by pedal cyclists only and the footway by pedestrians only.

B. About children safety on road and school transport safety



  1. Can you play on roads or pedestrians crossing?


  1. What kind of safety facilities are provided to cross the road?

Bridge/ Subway/ Pedestrian Crossings

  1. Where should you wait for the school bus?
  1. Roadside  b. bus stop   c. zebra crossing


  1. Should you get on the school bus before it stops properly?


  1. Can passengers put head, hands or any part of body out of the window?


  1. Should children cross the roads alone?


C. About traffic lights



  1. What will follow the green light?

Amber light

  1. What will follow the amber traffic light?

Red light

  1. What will follow the red traffic light?

Amber light

  1. What will happen when the red and amber traffic lights are on?

Prepare to move off

  1. What is the meaning of the below green diagonal arrow and the red light?

Drivers can only leave the lane in the direction shown, others vehicle must stop.


D. About the signing system



  1. The meaning of circular signs:
  1. Orders   b. warnings     c. information


  1. The meaning of triangular signs:
  1. Information   b. orders    c. warnings


  1. The meaning of rectangular signs:
  1. Warnings      b. information    c. orders


  1. What is the meaning of a triangular sign, with the apex at the top?

Give warnings

  1. What are the meaning of the below signs?
  1. Ahead only (at a junction)
  2. No cyclists
  3. No stopping
  4. No stopping during times shown
  5. End of stopping restriction
  6. No stopping for mini-buses (public light buses) during times shown
  7. End of minibus stopping restriction
  8. Give way to traffic on major road
  9. Stop and give way



Reference: “Road User’s Code” published by the Government Logistics Department or website:


Which elements of the method are used, and how?

☑ Learning in small groups – Members study the safety rules and work in the Q & A session together. They give active response during the game.


☑ My path, my pace – Members are encouraged to think more about whether the existing traffic rules are enough and effective in preventing accidents. Members try to give suggestions to improve the rules.


☑ Learning by doing – Members know more about traffic safety rules as well as the meaning of road signs. They will be more cautious when crossing the roads.


☑Connecting with my world – Members can improve their understanding of their community. For example, what signs can be found in roads or cycling trails? What are their meanings? Members can reflect on the limitation of existing traffic rules and give suggestions.

How does the method give youth members a chance to take the lead?

Members learn to protect themselves by following traffic rules. This is related to the issue of self-discipline. If members want to be a leader, they should follow the standards/ rules strictly in order to make sure the events start in a smooth way.

How can you connect this activity to the values of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting?

Members need to bear the sole responsibility to their decision/ behavior on the road. They learn to make the right judgement through the activity.

Programme Hints/Activity Packs
Last Update Date: 2017-09-04