Awards Nomination

2024 Awards Nomination 


As stipulated in Clause 22.02 of the Policy, Organization and Rules, Council Members can make nominations for members and non-members in recognition of their service and contribution to the Association. All types of Awards had been list on the Handbook on Awards (Version  updated in Nov 2023). 


Nomination can be submitted by the following ways:

  1. Paper form: All nomination forms should be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked "Confidential - Awards Nomination" on the envelope. The nomination forms should be addressed directly to the Honorary Secretary at Headquarters in person or by post to 1/F, No. 8 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.
  2. Online form: Council Members who have HKGGA email accounts can submit the nominations to the Honorary Secretary via online form.


The nomination period would be closed on 9th August 2024 (Friday) at 6:00pm.


Nomination form: word/pdf

Nomination guidelines: download


Last Update Date: 2024-06-05