Eight Point Programme
Eight Point Programme are basic elements of Guide Activities.
According to different ages and needs, the wordings would be slightly different:
- Getting to know People
- Keeping the Guide Law
- Keeping Fit
- Exploring the Arts
- Thinking for Yourself
- Becoming a Home maker
- Enjoying the Out-of-Doors
- Giving Service
Promise and Law
Guiding Movement is fun. With various activities, Girls learn and explore a variety of life experience, learn to judge for right and wrong, cultivate thinking skills and discover personal potential. This is all laid by the Promise set by our founder Lord Baden-Powell. Every Girl Guide or Girl Scout around the world must keep this in mind and to follow for life.
As a cosmopolitan society, Girls in Hong Kong could choose from the below wordings for their promises:-
Girl Guide Promise
I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my God / Faith*, and my country / the country in which I live#, to help others, and to keep the Guide Law.
Note: *Choose either the word God or the word faith according to her personal convictions # for non-Chinese nationals residing in Hong Kong Special Administration Region
Girl Guide Law
As a Guide
- I will be reliable, honest and trustworthy
- I will use my resources wisely and help others
- I will be true to myself and respect the opinion of others
- I will face challenges and learn from my experiences
- I will care for nature and all living things
- I will be friendly and a sister to all Guides
Programme and Progress
I. Challenges before the Enrollment
- Learning of Guiding Movement
- The history of Guiding, Mission and Vision
- The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
- Common Symbols
- Promise and Law
- Eight Point
- Uniform
- HKGGA Logo
- Patrol System
II. Activities after enrolment
1. For Girl Guide
- Activities on Promise and Law
- Activities on Eight Point Challenges
- Trefoil Badges: Yellow, Green, Red, Blue
- Interest Badges
- Service Flash
- Collective Emblems
- Lady Jane's Guide Award
- Chief Commissioner's Guide Award
- Pack Leader
- Hong Kong Award for Youth People
- China / International Activities
2. For Patrol
- Patrol Interest Pennant
- Patrol Camp Permit
- Patrol Activities
3. For Unit
- Joint / Mixed activities
- Holiday and Camp
- Unit Involvement Scheme
- Programme Enrichment Scheme
- Guide Shield Competition
III. Challenges before Fly up – Learning on Ranger Section
IV. Fly up to Ranger